First, a quick recap: the SOLID principles of object oriented design are, to quote Uncle Bob:
The Single Responsibility Principle | A class should have one, and only one, reason to change. |
The Open Closed Principle | You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it. |
The Liskov Substitution Principle | Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. |
The Interface Segregation Principle | Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific. |
The Dependency Inversion Principle | Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. |
Last time I talked about the fourth letter in SOLID, the Interface Segregation Principle. Now I’m moving on to the Dependency Inversion Principle.
The Dependency Inversion Principle says you should depend on abstractions, not concrete classes. Great, what does that mean? Basically that you want to hide the details of what you’re doing not just behind a separate class but behind an interface so you don’t even have to know which class is actually doing the work.
If you only have one class that actually does the work, this probably seems like a total waste of time. Honestly, for some situations it probably is. If there are business reasons that you’re never, ever going to change database vendors, then don’t worry too much about hiding which database driver you’re using. In other situations where things might change or will definitely change (which is most situations, if requirements would just stay put software would be easy), dependency inversion can really help you out.

Let’s take sending email as an example. In a web app that you sell to other businesses, you often need to notify their customers of things directly – if you sell an appointment reminder system the entire point is that your customer doesn’t have to manually send emails to their customers, your app takes care of that for them. Sending email sounds simple enough, right? Either you set up your own SMTP server and send emails directly or you use a service like MailChimp or SendGrid or Amazon SES or Mailgun or ___ and you leave it alone.
Not so fast! What if some of your customers want to send email through their own SendGrid account so they can customize their own emails without going through you and see all their stats and everything? What if other customers already have their own SMTP server and want to send email through that? Now you’ve really got to hide all the details so that your code can trigger an email without even knowing whether that email is going to be send directly to a mailserver or to a service like Mailgun.
If you built your app following the dependency inversion principle from the get-to, this is going to be really simple. All you have to do is add another implementation of the email handler interface you already have and you’re set. Best of all, you know you didn’t break your existing email handling because it’s in a separate class that you don’t have to mess with.
If you let your app depend directly on one email service, though, you’ve got a mess to deal with. Not only do you have to add another email handler, but you have to make pretty major changes to your code to pull your existing email handling into a separate class. This can really suck if you let your code deal with too many implementation details, like how to react to different error codes. It also makes the change riskier and more expensive (in both time and money) because any time you change existing code you might introduce new bugs and because you’ll need to retest all of the existing email handling as well as the new feature to make sure everything still works.
Even if you doubt a certain feature is going to change, it’s still worth thinking about dependency inversion. If the code that triggers an email can only talk to an interface, that’s going to change the way you pass along data like the to and from addresses. It’s also going to change how you report and recover from errors. You might still decide to let your code depend directly on your email service, which is perfectly fine if you’ve thought that decision through. The Dependency Inversion Principle isn’t mean to be an ironclad rule, it’s just a principle to help you avoid painting yourself into a corner.
That’s it for SOLID! If there’s a particular design principle you’d like me to cover next, let me know in the comments.