


Cold & Flu tip of the day

Get the fancy tissues with lotion. Yes they sound stupid. Get them anyway, they are really and truly worth it. And don’t push yourself too hard, you’ll just make yourself sicker. I’m still working on that one myself, but it’s good advice in general.


There’s no way I can possibly say everything about debugging in just one blog post, but I can certainly share a few useful tips.

First, let’s talk about what debugging fundamentally is. It’s the art of seeing what actually is, not what you meant or what you thought. It’s going to be uncomfortable, and if you get too tied up in your own ego you won’t be able to do it at all. Years ago one of my teachers at Camosun told us (I’m paraphrasing heavily here because I don’t remember the exact words) that there’s no point insisting you didn’t change anything. If it used to work and now it doesn’t, you obviously changed something. Just accept that you broke it and start trying to fix the problem.

One of the first things you need to do when you’re debugging is to make sure you can reproduce the problem reliably. If you can’t do that, then you don’t really know what the problem is (or you’ve got some sort of unholy race condition bug and you’re beyond my help :) ). If you’re not the one who found the bug, ask the person who did if they can show you, or ask for more information if it came through a helpdesk and you don’t have direct access to the user who found the bug.

Once you can reproduce the problem, you’ll be able to track down what’s going wrong and figure out whether a fix actually… fixes the problem. The first step I recommend after reproducing the issue is double checking all of your inputs, even the most stupid simple stuff you’re sure you couldn’t possibly have gotten wrong. Last week I thought I had broken staging when I actually just hadn’t chosen the right value in a dropdown box. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say.

After that, you’re going to be very tempted to just read through your code and hope you can spot the problem. Resist this temptation! I’m always pretty sure I know where the problem is or that it’ll jump out at me right away, but it almost never does unless it’s an extremely simple bug. Read over the code once if you really want to, but then move on to narrowing down exactly where the bug is. Believe me, it’s faster than staring blankly at your code and feeling dumb.

If you have a particularly chatty log, you may be able to start narrowing things down while you reproduce the issue. Start looking after the last log message you see before the bug happens. If you’re very lucky something will be obviously wrong close to the log line you were looking for.

If you’re not quite as lucky, you’re going to need to run the code locally and start commenting things out. Assuming you have some idea where the problem is happening, start dividing the method it could be in, in half. Either comment half of it out or add a log line half way through and see if you see that log line before or after you reproduce the problem. Keep narrowing it down until you know exactly where the problem is. Once you know exactly where the problem is, you should now know what’s going wrong if not exactly why. It’s not unusual to have to trace back through your code to find the place that set up the issue that wasn’t triggered until later. Bad config, for example, may not cause an actual bug until long after it’s saved.

The most important things you can remember when you’re debugging are to be systematic and to not make assumptions. Don’t assume that your input is good. Don’t assume that a certain piece of code can’t be the problem because it hasn’t been changed in ages/just passed testing/doesn’t seem to be related. Don’t assume that your config is what you think it is. Don’t assume that you know what’s going on – if you did, you wouldn’t have written a bug in the first place :)

Ember tip of the day

If you use Ember.js and you need to update one element of an array inside you rmodel, you need to use the .replace() method. Getting and updating your array will not work, neither will trying to use this.set(‘model.array[index]’). Ember won’t register your changes unless you call the .replace() method, so do that :)

And yes, I’m writing this blog post to remind myself, I spent a good hour or two earlier this week trying to figure out why Ember wouldn’t re-render anything when I tried to update part of my model.

Let’s try it and see what happens

On Saturday I mentored at the Ladies Learning Code workshop for National Learn to Code Day. As usual it was a great experience, although pretty draining for an introvert like me, but what I want to talk about is the single phrase I used most often with my learners: let’s try it and see what happens.

Now, I’ll freely admit that a good portion of the times I said that were because I didn’t have a lot of experience with the language we were using (python, if you’re curious) and just didn’t know what would happen :) But the bigger part was that I wanted to show the learners that it’s okay to not know what’s going to happen and to mess around and try stuff.

It’s normal to be worried that you’ll look stupid or completely break your program, but the only way you can learn a new programming language (or any language, for that matter), is by trying things and making mistakes. The great thing about programming languages is that failure is just about consequence free. If you get an error message, so what? It’s not even a waste of time, you learned something that doesn’t work. That gives you one less thing you need to try next time.

Even if you’re an experienced developer, you need to keep that willingness to try things and see what happens. Analysis paralysis is what happens when you’re afraid to try something. If you’re working on a large project it’s true that you need to plan it out carefully and run your idea past other developers, but sooner or later you’ve got to start building something even if you’re not absolutely sure it’ll work. The sooner you try it, the sooner you can figure out whether or not it’ll work and the sooner you can try something else. Thinking things through is great but you can’t let it stop you from doing something.

Sometimes no amount of planning can tell you more than a few hours of trying. This is especially true when you’re just starting out, but it doesn’t stop being true just because you’ve got a solid handle on how loops work. And honestly, even the most experienced developers get off by one errors sometimes :)

When you’ve been a developer for long enough, sometimes you lose track of what it was like to be a beginner. We start assuming that we should know exactly what will happen before we even write a line of code even though that’s not even slightly how it works. I feel like I’m raining on new devs parades here, but the uncertainty never goes away. You just work on a different scale when you’re more experienced. Instead of “what happens when I change this == to a >=?” it’s “what happens when I try to use this new library?” or “what happens when we try to make our system talk to this other system?”

The next time you catch yourself slipping into analysis paralysis (and I do all the time), just try something and see what happens.

Awesome Chrome extension of the day

I recently started using StayFocusd and it rocks! StayFocusd is a productivity tool that stops you from visiting websites where you waste time. Whatever your timesinks are (for me feedly and reddit are some of the worst), you just add them to StayFocusd’s blocklist and after 10 minutes (or whatever time you set), it blocks them. By default it also blocks links that you clicked while on a site in your block list. For example, if you follow a link from reddit, that still counts toward your 10 minutes of browsing for that day.

I’m not sure how I feel about having to outsource my self-control to a Chrome extension, but on the upside I get a lot more done when I don’t have to make the decision between doing work and checking feedly again for shiny new blog posts. Try it, you’ll probably hate it but you’ll probably get more done :)

The mythical man month

In the programming field, it’s pretty rare to find a book that’s still relevant even five years after it was published. The Mythical Man-Month is still useful forty years after it was first published, which is either amazing or depressing depending on how you look at it.

What depresses me about how useful the book still is so long after it was written is that in the forty years since, we clearly haven’t learned that much about how to run projects. I first tried to read The Mythical Man-Month ages ago, and I got so frustrated about how little we’ve learned since it was published that I had to set it down. Then I completely forgot about it for a few years because I’m just that organized :) I finally finished it this year, and it’s just as relevant as ever. By all rights everything in that book should be totally obvious and taken as a given by every project manager out there, but sadly it’s not. It is, however, kind of comforting to know that other people have run into the same problems I have.

The amazing part of The Mythical Man-Month is how clearly it shows that the actual programming is the easiest part. Code is simple compared to trying to coordinate a large team and hit a deadline, but as programmers we seem to get hung up on the easy part and largely ignore the hard part. One of the many terrible ironies of programming is that a field that attracts introverts who just want to be left alone to code actually requires huge amounts of communication if you want to get anything meaningful done. For me and probably for most other programmers the code is the fun part, so it’s understandable that we’re not as good at communication as we should be but eventually we’ll grow up as an industry, right?

As sarcastic as that sounds, I think a large part of what we need to do as an industry is accept that things just aren’t as easy as we wish they were and learn to work around it. It’s pretty similar to the way children grow up and understand that the world isn’t as simple as they thought and learn to work around it. I and every other programmer ever have massively underestimated how long something was going to take, and no doubt  we’ll all keep doing that. But understanding that underestimating tasks is common allows you to leave extra space in the schedule and/or prioritize features so you know what can be cut if you aren’t going to hit your deadline.

Basically we just need to learn to account for human nature. Should be easy :)

Underrated dev tool of the day

You might not expect it, but thesaurus.com is actually a really useful dev tool. Like they say, naming things is one of two hard problems in computer science. When I have an object that’s difficult to think of a good name for, I just plug whatever vague description I have into thesaurus.com and poke through synonyms until I find something I don’t hate. Try it, it really does make it easier to pick a name :)

You don’t have to be a developer

This is a follow up to my post about digital literacy and learning to code. I want to be clear that while I believe everyone should have the opportunity to learn to code and the basics should be taught in school, not everyone has to be a developer or even any good at coding or feel like they need to pour hours and hours into it when they hate it. People seem to get the idea that learn to code initiatives mean everyone! must! learn! to! code! which is not even slightly the case. We just want everyone to be able to make a choice about whether or not they’re interested instead of assuming they’re not welcome.

If you try out, say, a Ladies Learning Code workshop and you come out of it thinking you’d rather have spent the day digging a ditch, great! I started college with a few people who went to all the trouble of applying, getting into the program, and going to class for weeks or months before deciding it wasn’t for them. If you can skip all that hassle and find out in a single day and a measly $50 that code isn’t for you, that’s honestly fantastic. Now you can focus on something you actually like doing instead of something that makes you miserable.

Before you decide code is definitely not your thing, I do have some advice. First of all, learning to code is hard. You’re learning a whole different way of thinking, it takes time to get good at that. Don’t feel bad if you’re not good at it right away. People have different learning styles too. Plenty of my classmates disagreed about which teacher’s explanation of a given concept was clearer. If coding just doesn’t make sense to you, it could be because your teacher isn’t explaining things in a way that makes sense to you.

Or maybe you’re just not in a good headspace to learn a really intense new skill right now. Honestly, if you’re a new parent I don’t recommend trying to force yourself to learn to code. Looking after a tiny human is quite enough stress to put on yourself. If you’re excited about code by all means give it a shot, but if you feel stupid all the time it’s absolutely not because you are stupid, it’s because you’re brutally sleep deprived and stressed out and operating at a huge handicap. Code can wait until you start sleeping regularly again.

All that said, if you understand code just fine but you’d rather watch paint dry, or don’t understand code and would still rather watch paint dry, go do something you actually like! Code is not the only worthwhile thing you can do. Have you ever seen an interface a programmer designed? It was awful, wasn’t it. If you like tech but not programming, you could be a UI designer, an artist, a marketer, a community manager, a tester, a customer service rep, a graphic designer, a copy writer, an admin, a game designer (the easiest way to get to design games is to build your own but that’s not the only way), an animator, an office manager, a level designer, the list goes on and on and on.

If you want to code, great! If you would rather do anything else, great! Don’t ever feel like programming is something you have to do whether you like it or not.

The Visitor design pattern

Let’s talk about the visitor design pattern. This one is tough to find a real-world analog for, but once it clicks for you it can be really useful.

Basically the visitor pattern is used when you want to add functionality to an object or a set of objects without changing the object itself. If you have a list of objects and you want to perform a particular calculation on each one and might need to add more calculations later, you would use the visitor to ‘visit’ each one, get its state, and do the calculation. Headfirst design patterns uses the example of a menu item and an ingredient both needing a nutrition information report. It’s ugly to add essentially the same method to two classes and it violates the single responsibility principle to add a method that does something the base object shouldn’t know about.

Uncle Bob uses the example of building a report with data from hourly but not salaried employee objects. The employee object shouldn’t know anything about how to generate a line for that report or even whether it should be on the report at all, so it’s much cleaner to use a visitor to get each object’s data and use that to build the report.

So how does the visitor pattern actually work? First of all you need some interfaces or abstract classes for your other classes to inherit from. To keep using Uncle Bob’s employee example, you need an employee interface with an accept method that takes a visitor interface/base class as a parameter. Your visitor interface needs a visit method for each type of object it’s going to visit. Now that you have your interfaces set up, concrete employee classes like SalaryEmployee and HourlyEmployee can implement the accept method. All you need to do there is call visit(this) on the visitor that was passed in. Your concrete visitor class just needs to implement visit methods for each visited object and you’re done! There’s a nice clean class diagram here in case seeing it makes it easier to understand.

Why so many interfaces? Wouldn’t it be simpler just to call methods on the concrete objects directly? Not so much. We need an accept method on the employee interface so that the code that iterates over your list of employees and calls accept(visitor) on each one doesn’t have to know what type of employee it is. We need a visitor interface separate from the concrete class/es so that we can add more visitors without having to change the visited objects and because the visited objects shouldn’t be coupled to the visitor object. In the report example, the employee objects shouldn’t know anything about the visitor that compiles the report. To put the single responsibility principle another way, the report just isn’t any of the employee object’s business. If we decide to change the way that report is calculated or add another version of it, the employee object shouldn’t know or care.

Why not put the accept(visitor) method in the employee base class? Because then it would only be able to pass an Employee to the visitor, which is no good if different types of employees need to be treated differently. Yes, it’s duplicate code, but only a tiny little of it and in this case it’s necessary.

Aside from keeping your base objects from having multiple responsibilities, another thing the visitor pattern gives you is one class where all the related methods live. To stick with the report example a little longer, we’ve got all our report logic in one place instead of scattering it over different classes. Yay single responsibility! If we decide to change how we calculate rows in that report, we only have to change one class. If we only have two types of employees that may not sound like a big gain, but what if we need to add contractors and consultants and seasonal employees and part time employees?

The visitor pattern is a really weird concept at first but once you understand it, it can make your code a lot cleaner.