More stuff you can do to be a better programmer while still having a life!
The core of programming is really problem solving, but we’re kind of expected to pick it up as we go while we’re learning specific skills like programming in java. I have a strong suspicion that’s why so many new developers feel totally lost when they try to build something on their own: we’ve collectively done a bad job of teaching them how to break down problems and solve them.
Problem solving is a gigantic topic so I’m not pretending this blog post is going to be comprehensive, I’m just aiming to share a few tips to get you started.
First of all, don’t just start coding. It really helps to have some sort of plan for what you’re going to do. If you dive in and just start coding without any sort of plan you’ll often end up lost in the weeds because figuring out how to solve a problem and how to code that solution at the same time is so much harder than doing those things one at a time.
Ironically, it’s also hard not to do those things at the same time. It’s really common to feel like you’re wasting time planning and making lists when you should be writing code, or that planning is boring and no plan is ever perfect so why bother? It’s also not at all unusual for programmers to start coding without a plan because they’re worried about whether they can solve the problem, so they just start writing code and hope the complete solution will come to them.
Having a plan actually speeds things up because it cuts down on the feeling your way around in the dark that you end up doing when you don’t know where you’re going or how to get there. If you really can’t stand the planning part, programming may just not be for you – solving problems is the real job, code is just the tool we use to solve them. Making a plan may force you to admit that you just don’t know how to solve a certain problem which sucks, I’m not going to lie, but isn’t it better to figure that out right away instead of potentially spending days or weeks coding only to find out that your partial solution is never going to work? Trust me, that sucks way more.
So that’s all great, but how exactly do you break down a problem and make a plan to solve it?
One example is laid out in 5 Steps to Solving Programming Problems by Adrian Prieto. The step I want to concentrate on is “2. Solve the problem manually.” Seriously, write it down exactly the way you would do it if you had to do it manually. If part of the problem involves looking things up in the database, just pretend you have a gigantic binder or that you can call another department for the data you need. The imaginary manual procedure might sound really awful and tedious but that’s fine, computers are great at boring and tedious.
Example time! A common programming challenge question is to write a palindrome checker – you give it a string, it tells you whether or not it’s the same backwards and forwards. It’s really easy to look at a short palindrome like racecar and see that it’s obviously the same backwards and forwards, so let’s imagine we have a much longer string. Now how do we tell whether or not it’s a palindrome? One way is to look at the first character and see if it’s the same as the last character, then the second character and the second last one, and keep doing that until we get to the middle of the string (let’s assume for now that we don’t have to worry about spaces or punctuation). If we make it to the middle of the string it must be a palindrome, so we can return true. If any of the pairs of characters don’t match then it’s definitely not a palindrome, so we can stop checking right there and return false.
Now that we have a manual process, we can start adapting it for a computer to run. The thing you have to remember is that computers are really dumb. If you tell a person “stop when you get to the middle of the string” they’ll know what you mean and what to do if the string has an odd number of characters so there’s only one in the middle. Computers, on the other hand, don’t know what a “middle” is unless you tell them and don’t know what to do with a string with an odd number of characters either. For that matter, they don’t know how to tell they’ve gotten to the middle of the string.
In the interests of not making this post 5000 words long I’ll skip the specifics of telling a computer how to find the middle of a string, the important thing to know is that once you have an overall process you can dive into subproblems like “how can the computer tell when it has checked enough characters?” without losing sight of why that problem even matters and how it fits into the rest of your solution.
It really doesn’t matter how bad your first try at a process is. Writing down how you would do it manually is always good enough for a first try, and once you have a basic process you can start improving it or even trying totally different algorithms. The great thing about a simple set of point form instructions or even pseudocode is that it’s much quicker and easier to change than actual code, so you can mess with it to your heart’s content.
That works great for straightforward problems, but what do you do with an overwhelmingly large problem where it’s not obvious where to start? Let’s say you want to build a todo list app. Should you start by designing the UI? Or by figuring out what your data model should look like? How do you decide which features your app should have?
The question about what features you should have is one of the simpler ones: build the tiniest thing that could possibly work. You can always add more features later. In the case of a todo list app, I would start with being able to add new todos and being able to cross off existing ones. Don’t worry about subtasks, don’t worry about due dates or recurring tasks or anything else, just start with the simplest thing that could possibly be considered a todo list.
As for where to start, if I knew the right way to approach every problem I’d be a millionaire :) I personally like to start with the UI so that once I get down to the data model I already have a list of all the visible information that I definitely need to store. On the other hand, if you’re especially comfortable with data modelling it can be easier to start there. That can also save you from building a database that’s perfect for one screen and kind of terrible for everything else. It really doesn’t matter where you start as long as you remember to look at your overall design from different angles and see if it still makes sense.
At the “boxes and lines” diagram stage just like the point form description of a manual process stage you lose hardly any time at all if you sketch out a solution, figure out it doesn’t handle something well, then throw it out and start over. The important thing is to learn more about the problem, not to come up with a perfect design on the first try.
Like communication, practising problem solving doesn’t have to take up a single hour of your time outside of work. You can get all the practice you need on work problems while you’re at work and still have a life outside of work :)