First, a quick recap: the SOLID principles of object oriented design are, to quote Uncle Bob:
The Single Responsibility Principle | A class should have one, and only one, reason to change. |
The Open Closed Principle | You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it. |
The Liskov Substitution Principle | Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. |
The Interface Segregation Principle | Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific. |
The Dependency Inversion Principle | Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. |
Last time I talked about the second letter in SOLID, the Open Closed Principle. Now I’m moving on to the Liskov Substitution principle.
The Liskov Substitution Principle is named that because it was created by Barbara Liskov, currently an institute professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Ford Professor of Engineering in its School of Engineering‘s electrical engineering and computer science department. The principle also doesn’t lend itself well to a short description, so it’s just easier to name it after the person who invented it.
The Liskov substitution principle says that it must be possible to substitute a subclass for the base class without changing anything. Basically, your object hierarchy

should make sense :) If you have a subclass that requires special handling and can’t just be dropped in where the base class is used, something is wrong with your design. Why is that so bad? Because it means every time you use that subclass you have to remember to add the special handling bit and/or remember which subclass has which side effects.
If you need some of the functionality of the base class but you have to do some special stuff that means you can’t just create a subclass that is substitutable, create a new class and give it an instance of the base class to use. If it can’t behave like a real subclass, don’t try to force it to be one, it’s just going to cause trouble in the long run.
The typical example of a Liskov Substitution Principle violation is a Square class and a Rectangle class. If they both have setters for width and height, then you can get yourself into trouble if the calling code got a rectangle when it expected a square or vice versa. Say you’re trying to lay out a screen and you know you have a space left that’s x by y so you set your screen object’s width to x and its height to y. If your screen object is a rectangle, everything is cool. But if your object is a square, suddenly its width also got set to y when you set its height to y. Now your layout is all messed up and you’re frustrated because your code looks perfectly reasonable even though it’s clearly not working correctly.
Another way to state the Liskov Substitution Principle is that your code shouldn’t contain surprises. No matter how sensible and obvious something seems while you’re writing it, in six months when you come back to add a new feature you will have forgotten all the details. If your code doesn’t have surprise side effects or special handling, then you’re much more likely to be able to add that new feature quickly and move on. If you run into a surprise, you could spend ages figuring out why the code behaves that way.
If you have class hierarchies in your code, be nice to your future self and obey the Liskov Substitution Principle.
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What does SOLID really mean? Part 4 – Mel Reams
[…] time I talked about the third letter in SOLID, the Liskov Substitution Principle. Now I’m moving on the the Interface Segregation […]