
Mel Reams

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How javascript is like a board game

Javascript is much more like a board game than you might think. Let me tell you a story to explain what I mean. I used to be convinced I just didn’t like board games. I’d played the usual Snakes and Ladders, Sorry, Risk and Monopoly as a kid, and I could happily go without playing any of them ever again. Especially Monopoly. At least the other ones had an end.. Read More

The most important word a project manager can ever learn

There is an amazing, near magical word that can save projects, hit deadlines, prevent burnout, and gain the respect of your team. Sadly, few project managers seem to know it. What’s this magical word? “No.” Really, it’s that simple. Just saying no (respectfully, in the right situation) can do all of the amazing stuff I listed. It’s not a guarantee of success, but it will give you a fighting chance… Read More

Just say no to clever code

I was reading John Sonmetz’s post 11 Rules All Programmers Should Live By and I wanted to expand on 2: Clever is the enemy of clear. In some cases, you do need to write clever code. If you’re working on something that absolutely must be optimized as much as possible, fine, get clever. If you’re working on something that’s actually hard, like cache invalidation, knock yourself out. But if you’re working on plain.. Read More